The Château du Clos de Vougeot
Headquarters of the Climats de Bourgogne

Standing in the very heart of Burgundy's vineyards, it was originally a wine farm, built in the 12th century by monks from the nearby Abbey of Cîteaux. In the 16th century, a Renaissance style château was added to the existing buildings.

With its medieval vat-house and presses, Cistercian cellar and original kitchens, it forms a unique architectural whole, attracting history lovers, architecture lovers or wine lovers. The Chateau du Clos de Vougeot also hosts famous receptions. It is renowned as one of the very best "table d'hôte" of France.

Even though the Chateau du Clos de Vougeot does not produce wine anymore, it stays the symbol of a millenary of Burgundy's History.

The Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin acquired the Château in 1945, and started to restore it, turning it into the seat of the Order.

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Wednesday, the 01 of January 2025

Collecte de sang "spéciale Saint-Valentin"

900 years of history

The Clos de Vougeot, besides being a world famous wine, is also a vineyard, a château built to make wine and one of France's most prestigious table d'hôtes.
The vineyard extends over almost fifty-one uninterrupted hectares. This Mecca of wine entertains guests from all around the world. The Clos de Vougeot did not appear overnight, or even over a century. The result of infinite patience, it epitomizes and illustrates man's effort to extract a very special wine from one climat. History of the Château

Did you know?

Here lies Léonce Bocquet

Léonce Bocquet was the man who saved the Château du Clos de Vougeot from almost certain destruction. Wine-merchant by profession, the extravagant M.Bocquet acquired the buildings in 1889. He combined a remarkable flair for publicity with a pronounced taste for ostentation; but his commitment to restoring the Château brought him to the brink of bankruptcy. It seems fitting then that the impressive drive leading to the château, flanked to right and left by famous vines, should today bear his name, and that he should have chosen the Clos as his final resting place, thus becoming its eternal guardian.

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